I have no idea how you came to be on this site! Maybe a friend recommended it to you. Maybe you did an internet search. Perhaps you were guided here.
Regardless of how you got here, you have arrived at what could be the most beneficial website you have visited in quite a while!
Here is why. Back in 2006, I was working in the NHS (British public health system) as a Pharmacist. I was enjoying my work, especially with patients, but I started to become unwell. As I come from a long line of hard working health professionals, I just “soldiered on” hoping it was just a passing phase.
But it didn’t and… I became sicker and sicker. Nothing my Western medical peers recommended helped, so I looked outside the conventional medical box (which was a bit scary considering my upbringing).
I found energy healing helped, but one modality made a huge difference. You may have heard about it… ThetaHealing® (it doesn’t matter if you don’t know too much about it, that’s why you’re here)?
I had a session and my recovery was quick. I was able to return to work with a renewed energy.
People Around Me Were Surprised At My New Lease On Life.
The best part was my personal life, went from mediocre to amazing! I was hooked! I had to know more… so I became a practitioner in this simple, yet profound healing modality, so I could continue to improve more aspects of my life.
But as I worked on myself, my friends asked me to help them too. They started to tell their friends about me and so, out of necessity, I started my own ThetaHealing® practice. And things took off from there.
Then my friends started to ask me to teach them how to do what I did. I referred them to my teacher, but they wanted me to teach them. So to do it properly and do ThetaHealing® justice… I became a qualified instructor.
In fact, within a short amount of time I went from an absolute novice to a ThetaHealing® Master and have a Certificate of Science (which is the highest qualification within the modality). It seems I have a natural ability.
Many of my students say they enjoy my practical and straight forward teaching style. I guess it comes from being a qualified Pharmacist (I still work in my parent’s Pharmacy, because family is important to me and I enjoy the patient contact I get with working there) and the values my medically minded parents instilled in me.
Living in London doesn’t mean I only have local clients or students… because of our technological lifestyle, I have clients all around the world (thanks to Skype) and have students travel here to be trained by me (you have to do the ThetaHealing® practitioner courses in person).
Since I started my healing journey, I have helped many, many people to live an empowered, fulfilling life.
My Private Clients Keep Telling Their Friends About Me!
When people find something that works in their lives, it is only natural that they want to share it with their friends.
My reputation has spread through word of mouth, so you won’t see me advertising very much. I truly believe that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” or “when the client is ready, the practitioner appears” (there are no accidents you are reading this right now).
So Now, I’d Like To Invite You To Discover Just How Amazing Your Life Can Truly Be!
However, there’s something you need to know. This work can be extremely effective… and even life changing. But it is not for everyone, and, with so many people wanting to live an empowered, fulfilling life, I cannot help everyone.
First of all, I made the decision a long time ago that I only want to work with those who are serious about changing their lives. The methods I use often cannot be explained by modern science and don’t fit into any logical model. So they are only for people who are open minded enough to allow the change to occur without having to know the “how”. If you are just looking for someone to argue with or try to prove wrong, then I’m sorry, but we are not a good fit.
Second, my sessions and courses, are simple and profound, but do require a commitment on your behalf. This means I do not take on clients or students who are not more committed to changing their own life than I am, that would be a waste of your time and mine. Unlike some teachers and practitioner who want you to always depend on them, my role is to make you self-reliant and ‘teach you how to fish.’
Third, my courses and sessions are by application and availability only.
The application process is simply because of the reasons above. I need to make sure you’re a good fit because I want to know you are as invested as I am in your success.
If I feel we are a good fit, we will schedule your session or package or even book you in for your course.
If you are interested, please contact me here. I am thrilled to find out more about you, and deeply appreciate you taking the time to visit here today.